Jon Fadri Huder

KC St Moritz/Oberengadin
Division 22
I have been a proud Kiwanian since 1997 and, thanks to the support of my wife and children, have been able to hold many positions of responsibility. The highlights were my year as governor of the largest European District (Switzerland-Liechtenstein) as well as my year as president of Kiwanis International-Europe. During these years, I was able to get to know and appreciate many Kiwanis International employees.
What qualifies you to become an officer of Kiwanis International?
My strength is that, in addition to being a former governor of the Switzerland-Liechtenstein District, I was also able to serve as president of Kiwanis International-Europe. Furthermore, as a business economist in the private sector and as a municipal president in politics, I have been able to acquire a great deal of specialist knowledge. Furthermore, I can communicate in several languages.
Describe your Kiwanis moment — the moment you knew you were a Kiwanian.
In my 25 years of membership, there have been so many great moments that it is hard to pinpoint one in particular! I have seen so many children‘s eyes shine so brightly just because of our involvement!
What do you hope to accomplish during your term in office?
For an organization like Kiwanis, it is essential to be active in all geographic regions and welcoming to different cultures and ways of thinking — knowing that these can sometimes represent a challenge compared to what is lived at home. We must succeed in breaking the negative trend. Basically, Kiwanis needs to become a more modern organization. We must stop being so traditional!
Why did you decide to run for office?
Our organization is facing major challenges. Structural changes will probably be inevitable. In Europe, the process has already begun. As European president, I was very much involved in the reorganization sought and desired by Kiwanis International. I would like to bring this unique experience to the organization.
What strengths do you bring to the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees?
I think that teamwork is a strength that has the potential to be undervalued. The ability to work well as a part of a team — taking responsibility where necessary and deferring to others when required — is a skill I am proud to have. Throughout my career, I have worked with a variety of teams on a vast range of projects.